Current report no. 23/2014: Conclusion of the agreement with Credit Agricole Bank Polska S.A.
Date of preparation: 2014-09-29
Current report no. 23/2014
Date of issue: 2014-09-29
Name of issuer: TALEX
Subject: Conclusion of the agreement with Credit Agricole Bank Polska S.A.
Legal basis: Art. 56 (1) (2) of the Act of 29th July 2005 on public offerings – current and periodic information
The contents of the report:
The Management of Talex S.A. hereby informs that the Company has received information on the conclusion of the agreement of 24 August 2014 with Credit Agricole Bank Polska S.A. with its registered office in Wroclaw. The subject of the agreement is the provision of IT solutions during the period of 24 months. The total net value of the agreement amounts to PLN 4.87 million. The provisions of the agreement exclude the possibility to seek the lost profits by the Bank and limit the liability of the Company to the Bank for any damages associated with the agreement to actual losses, and additionally to 10% of the value of the agreement. Such restrictions do not include cases where the limitation of liability is not permitted under the law. The criterion to consider the agreement as significant: the amount of equity.
TALEX SA declares that corporate documents and financial reports are published in English for information purposes only. TALEX SA is not liable for the accuracy of the translation of the original documents in Polish. The original versions of that documents are available at the management board office in Poznań, Karpia Street 27d.
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