Current Report No.9/2021: Notification about change in the state of shareholding – reduction of the threshold of 5% of votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders
Date of preparation: 2021-05-28
Current report No. 9/2021
Date of issue: 2021-05-28
Name of issuer: TALEX
Subject: Notification about change in the state of shareholding – reduction of the threshold of 5% of votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders
Legal basis: Article 70 point 1 of the Act on Offerings – acquisition or disposal of a significant stake of shares
The contents of the report:
The Management Board of Talex S.A. hereby informs that today the Company received a notification, sent by e-mail, from FAMILIAR S.A., SICAF-SIF, the company governed by the law of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, incorporated in the form of a société anonyme as collective investment company with variable capital – a specialized investment fund with its registered office in Luxembourg (Fund), pursuant to Art. 69 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on Public Offering. (…) Together with the contents of the notification, the Fund informed that it was sent to Talex also by post that day.
Pursuant to the notification in connection with a sale transaction of 5,196 shares of the Company entered into by the Fund on 24 May 2021 (settled on 26 May 2021), the Fund reduced its shareholding below the threshold of 5% of the total number of votes in the Company.
In accordance with the notification, prior to the transaction the Fund was in possession of 174,976 shares of the Company, representing 5.8324% of the Company's share capital and entitling to 174,976 votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders, accounting for 5.1341% of the total number of votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company.
In accordance with the notification, as a result of the above-mentioned transaction the Fund held 169,780 shares of the Company, representing 5.6592% of the Company's share capital and entitling to 169,780 votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders, representing 4.9817% of the total number of votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company.
In accordance with the notification, the Fund currently holds (i.e. after the settlement of transactions concluded on 28 May 2021) 161,027 shares of the Company, representing 5.3674% of the share capital and entitling to 161,027 votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders, representing 4.7248% of the total number of votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company.
Furthermore, the Fund informed that it does not own any financial instruments referred to in Art. 69b par. 1 of the Act on Public Offering (…) and that there are no entities dependent upon the Fund holding the Company’s shares, nor persons referred to in Art. 87 section 1 point 3 letter c of Act of 29 July 2005 on Public Offering (…).
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